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Volume 21

VOLUME 21:1 – FALL 2010 

John R. Dorocak, De Facto Disparate Impact Familial Discrimination (Housing for Older Persons Age Fifty-Five and Over) Under the Fair Housing Act: Is it Legal? Is it Constitutional?, 21 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J 1 (2010).

Steve D. Shadowen, Personal Dignity, Equal Opportunity, and the Elimination of Legacy Preferences, 21 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J 31 (2010).

Bryan K. Weir, Personal Dignity, Equal Opportunity, and the Elimination of Legacy Preferences, 21 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J 83 (2010).

Bradley W. Hines, Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts: Forcing America to Pay the Premium Price for the Nation’s New Confrontation Clause, 21 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J 123 (2010).

VOLUME 21:2 – SPRING 2011 

Matthew Jordan Cochran, Fairness in Disparity: Challenging the Application of Disparate Impact Theory in Fair Housing Claims Against Insurers, 21 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J 159 (2011).

Katherine A. Macfarlane, The Improper Dismissal of Title VII Claims on “Jurisdictional” Exhaustion Grounds: How Federal Courts Require That Allegations be Presented to An Agency Without the Resources to Consider Them, 21 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J 213 (2011).

Matthew Reid Krell, The Ivory Tower Under Siege: A Constitutional Basis for Academic Freedom, 21 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J 259 (2011).

Chad Howell, Qualified Discovery: How Ashcroft v. Iqbal Endangers Discovery When Civil Rights Plaintiffs File Suit Against Government Officials, 21 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J 299 (2011).

Alana M. Sitterly, Silencing Death Row Inmates: How Hammer v. Ashcroft Needs a Rational Basis for its Rational Basis, 21 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J 323 (2011).

VOLUME 21:3 – SUMMER 2011

Erica Goldberg, Must Universities “Subsidize” Controversial Ideas?: Allocating Security Fees When Student Groups Host Divisive Speakers, 21 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J 349 (2011).

George M. Dery III, Do You Believed in Miranda? The Supreme Court Reveals Its Doubts in Berghuis v. Thompkins by Paradoxically Ruling that Suspects Can Only Invoke Their Right to Remain Silent by Speaking, 21 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J 407 (2011).

Richard L. Peterson, Unintelligent Jury Waivers: A Call to Amend Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 23(A), 21 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J 441 (2011).

Ramya Possett, Evidence and Ratings Matter: What Video Game Jurisprudence can Teach the FCC, 21 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J 471 (2011).

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