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Volume 31

ISSUE 31:1 – FALL 2020

Ryanne Wright, Until Death Due Us Part: The Due Process Clause’s Broken Vow to Protect Against Arbitrary and Discriminatory Enforcement of Federal Capital Punishment, 31 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 1 (2020).

Kaitlin Morgan, Betting Against the House: Why Prosecutors Have an Ethical Disclosure Obligation Prior to Plea Negotiations, 31 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 31 (2020).

Maj. John S. Reid, Commanders in the Bedroom: A Constitutional Analysis of the Military and Substantive Due Process, 31 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. (2020).

Joshua W. Dansby, Hammers and Nails: 1033 Program Reforms to Halt Police Militarization, 31 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. (2020).

ISSUE 31:2 – SPRING 2021

Jacob Quasius, The Next Step in Marriage Equality: Indiana Restrictions on Marriage for Individuals Under Adult Guardianship, 31 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 135 (2021).

Allison Thibault, Using Hindsight Evidence When Evaluating IEPs for Youth with Disabilities in Adult Correctional Facilities, 31 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 157 (2021).

Bradley Copeland, Occupational Licensing and the First Amendment, 31 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 181 (2021).

Justin Blount, Sex-Differentiated Appearance Standards Post-Bostock, 31 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 217 (2021).

ISSUE 31:3 – SUMMER 2021

James P. Jordan, Stop, Listen, What’s That Sound: Protecting Renewable Energy Infrastructure Whistleblowers, 31 Geo. Mason U. Civ. Rts. L.J. 257 (2021).

Maggie Koester, The Jury is Still Out: How Kentucky’s Felon Exclusion Statutes Violate Batson and the Sixth Amendment, 31 Geo. Mason U. Civ. Rts. L.J. 289 (2021).

Alexandria Smith, Failing Cooperative Parents – How Lower Courts Fail to Adequately Explain the Importance of the Parental Presumption, 31 Geo. Mason U. Civ. Rts. L.J. 311 (2021).

Keelin Herbst, Inmates and Immigrants: The Effect of Legal Status on Criminal Detention, 31 Geo. Mason U. Civ. Rts. L.J. 333 (2021).

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